Friday, November 12, 2010


Allix and Luke are doing well. Luke finished soccer for the season. He is so funny because he wanted to play with his ball, and not let any other kids touch it. He wanted to be a single player on the team. I dont think he quite gets it, that it is a team effort. Allix would have to leave his ball home because he only wanted his. Allix has so much confidence, and is just proud to be who she is. She goes in places, and talks to people with much confidence, and acts like she is not any different from anyone else. I know she is not different, but she does have purple mask, and purple gloves on. It is not something you see everyday. Her and Luke got some new Jobes today. So far Luke has lime green sleeves, gloves, and pants. He has black gloves, and sleeves. He has blue and red gloves, and sleeves like spiderman. He has black amd grey gloves and sleeves. He has Tan pants like skin color. His new stuff today includes red and navy blue pants, and gloves. I came over in the afternoon. He was so excited to show me. They have had atleast 15- 20 different braces to stretch skin, and joints. They are tight because of new skin. They also itch all the time..itch, itch, itch all this time later. Allix has a complete purple suit. Pants, jacket, gloves and sleeves. She jokes abou therself being Nacho Libre..She borrowed the movie, and laughed herself about it. She has a pink jacket, and red gloves and sleeves. Her face mask is new. They wanted to give her face time to see if it was going to scar. Some areas did not look so good, so they said lets get you a mask. She said anything to save my body. Again, no complaints. She said she loves them all up there at the Uof U burn and therapy unit, trusts them all, and she knows she is in the best hands. If anyone wants to know a little bit about the burn unit, then read the book ' The Burning Within' About Renee Wallace. It is one of my favorite books ever. I read it years ago, and then I lived part of it with Allix and Luke. It is about a girl who was in a plane crash in southern utah, has a near death experience, and goes to the burn unit at the U of U, and then tells how it changed her life, and how heavenly father saved her in so many ways. It is a GGrreeaaattt Book. I have a copy if anyone wants to borrow it let me know. Allixs hair is growing back. It is about 3 inches long. she is gorgeous. She did not know about her hair until about 7 weeks at the hospital. I waited for her to ask me. Her hair was her trade mark, and she was known for how thick and beautiful it was. She just said okay, and did not say a word after that. I asked her last night what she first thought when she seen herself. She said " oh my hair is all gone, and my face is scabby, but not too bad". She is so strong. She told me she was glad to be there, and glad she was alive. She has never complained about anything, well except for the little stuff. Like the after affects, and different issues. Their bodies are still healing. She is in a way stronger than before, but I guess that is why heavenly father gives us these trials. She thinks it happened to her for a reason, to accomplish her mission here on earth. That to me, is true faith in her savior. She says she wants to live, help others, get married, have more kids, travel the world, and adopt kids from other countries in the future. Luke is not in therapy yet. They say it could affect him at any time in his life. It could allready have passed, happen next month, or when he is seventeen. He is doing so good, and not acting out in anyway. So they want us to wait. I am not sure about that, but I trust his momma. Allix was going to finish her very few hours left at cosmetology, but has decided to wait until the first of next year. Mentally she is ready, but not physically. She attends Institute in Sandy every Wednesday, and goes to Therapy for herself. She stays busy, and gets out alot. I am truly impressed with this girl. She is different in so many ways. Not better, just different. Luke loves church, and nursery , . On Sunday he stood up, and looked very hard in the audience. He then asked me " grandma where is Jesus at " I said, he visits many chapels, and he is probably with heavenly father. He could not believe he was not there. He was so serious. This made me smile big, then he said " oh grandma, that is why his picture is in the hall. He loves Jesus, and knows he lives. Her and Luke are still my miracles, and blessings have poured down upon them from every direction, by the way of loving people, and by her having faith in her Savior, and knowing Heavenly Father loves them both.

-Shari Thrall Allix mom, and Luke's grandma 

Beautiful, confident Allix!

1 comment:

  1. i just happened upon your blog and i am so touched and shed a few tears while reading. thank you for sharing. i understand this blog was probably intended for family and friends, but a stranger has been touched. thank you. i will prayer for your beautiful daugher and grandchild!
